Research and Application of Materials Science
Research and Application of Materials Science, subordinate to Viser Technology Ptd Ltd in Singapore, is a full English, peer-reviewed, Open Access journal dedicated to reporting on the latest research developments and scientific research achievements in the field of materials science. The purpose of this journal is to reflect the advanced progress of materials science and to promote the process of discipline specialization, and to provide a good platform for the dissemination, sharing and exchange of experts, scholars and researchers in the field of materials science.
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Research and Application of Materials Science(RAMS) is an international open access journal launched by VISER PUBLISHING in Singapore, dedicated to prompt publication of significant advances on the latest research developments and scientific achievements in the field of materials science, covering metals, ceramics, glass, polymers, electrical and electronic materials, composites, fibers, nanostructured materials and materials used in life sciences, etc. The aim of RAMS is to reflect the advanced progress of materials science and promote the process of discipline specialization, and provide a forum for the reporting and discussion of news and issues concerning materials science.
ISSN: 2661-4464 (online)
ISSN: 2661-4456 (print)
The publication frequency of this journal is Half-yearly
Zidong Wang | University of Science & Technology, Beijing | China |
Ting Zhu | Central South University | China |
Yong Zhang | University of Science and Technology Beijing | China |
Di Zhang | Shanghai Jiao Tong University | China |
Muhammad Imran Rashid | Lecturer, COMSATS University, Lahore, Pakistan | Pakistan |
Saqlain A Shah | Forman Christian College (University) Lahore | Pakistan |
Seyed Jamal Tabatabaei Rezaei | University of Zanjan | Iran |
Oleg Tatarnikov | Bauman Moscow State Technical University | Russia |
Hadi Fallah Moafi | Faculty of Science,Iran | Iran |
Mohamed Marzouk | National Research Centre | Egypt |
Fatemeh Ahangaran | University of Isfahan | Iran |
Guoxuan Xiong | East China Institute Of Technology | China |
Hongmei Zhang | Xi'an Jiaotong University | China |
Jinwu Kang | Tsinghua University | China |
Qingyong Tian | Zhengzhou University | China |
Haiyan He | Hohai University | China |
Yi Shi | Sun Yat-sen University | China |
Dingxin Liu | Sun Yat-sen University | China |
Xiaohong Zhan | Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics | China |
Jianjian Zhang | Northwest University | China |
Daming Zhuang | Tsinghua University | China |
Bo Wu | Fuzhou University | China |
Chunlin Song | University of Twente | China |
Qingyan Xu | Tsinghua University | China |
Zidong Wang | University of Science & Technology, Beijing | China |
Zhibin Zhang | East China University of Technology | China |
Süleyman Baştürk | Altınbaş University | Turkey |
Hongxia Qiao | Lanzhou University of Technology | China |
Cheng Wang | Jilin University | China |
Yuguang Zhao | College of Materials Science and Engineering, Jilin Universtity | China |
Yongfu Zhu | College of Materials Science and Engineering, Jilin Universtity | China |
Yi Zhong | College of Materials Science and Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology | China |
Yongcun Zhou | Northwestern Polytechnical University | China |
Salim Hiziroglu | Oklahoma State University | America |
Haizhu Sun | Northeast normal University | China |
Xuesong Wang | Fujian normal University | China |
Dongmian Zang | East China Jiaotong University | China |
Guobao Li | Peking University | China |
Zhongyi He | East China Jiaotong University | China |
Xinwei Wang | Changchun University of Science and Technology | China |
Haiqiao Wang | College of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology | China |
Hao Wang | China Tobacco Yunnan Industrial Co.Ltd. | China |
Xiaofeng Zhang | Guangdong Institute of New Materials | China |
Lili Zhao | Northwest University | China |
Xiaohui Yu | Xi’an Jiaotong University | China |
Jieshan Qiu | College of Chemical Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology | China |
Zuci Quan | Nanchang University | China |
Yuanzhi Zhu | North China University of Technology | China |
Songsheng Zeng | Valin ArcelorMittal Automotive Steel Co., Ltd. | China |
Jiang Zhang | Wuhan University of Science and Technology | China |
Chandrasekar Muthukumar | Universiti Putra Malaysia | Malaysia |
Yue Ma | Beihang University | China |
Yaofeng Chang | Micron Technology Inc | China |
Bo Jin | Jilin University | China |
Xiaofeng Fan | Jilin University | China |
Bin Cui | College of chemistry and materials science, Northwest University | China |
Songjun Li | Institute of Polymer Materials, Jiangsu University | China |
Peng Fu | College of Materials Science and Engineering, Zhengzhou University | China |
Maiyong Zhu | Jiangsu University | China |
Bin Wen | Yanshan University | China |
Alexey Alexeevich Belov | Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia | Russia |
Alper Uysal | Yildiz Technical University | Turkey |
BIDYUT SAHA | The University of Burdwan | India |
Menandro Acda | University of the Philippines Los Banos | Philippines |
Ödön Farkas | Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest | Hungarian |
Hussein A.Khalaf | OMU university | Libya |
Xiaojian Zhou | Southwest Forestry University | China |
Gunel Mamedova | Nakhchivan Branch of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan | Azerbaijani |
Mohamed Mahmoud Gomaa | National Research Centre | Egypt |
Rajib Biswas | Tezpur University | India |
Shahzad Naseem | University of the Punjab | Pakistan |
Chang Li | University of Science and Technology Liaoning | China |
Ying Li | Zhongbei college | China |
Zhikun Zhang | Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology & Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences | China |
Shuanglong Feng | Chongqing Institute of Green Intelligent Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences | China |
Hui Li | Shandong University | China |
Yu Cao | Chongqing University | China |
Yanyan Jiang | Shandong University | China |
Shikai Liu | Henan University of Technology | China |
Maarif Ali Jafarov | Baku State university | Baku |
Shahram Ajori | University of Maragheh | I.R. Iran |
Cuie Wen | RMIT University | Australia |
Ramin Ebrahimi | Shiraz University | Iran |
Mohamed I.A. Othman | Zagazig University | Egypt |
Camacho Olguin Carlos Alberto | Universidad Politécnica del Valle de México | México |
Saiful Izwan Abd Razak | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia | Malaysia |
Jianqiang Zhang | Wuhan University | China |
Tao Zheng | Shandong Fengyuan Tire Manufacturing Co.,Ltd | China |
Bin Lu | Ningbo University | China |
Shibin Lou | Henan Jingte Chemical Technology Co. Ltd | China |
Xiaogang Han | Xi 'an jiaotong university | China |
Weiwei Wang | Nanjing University | China |
Wenbo Bu | East China normal university | China |
Jin Yi | Shanghai University | China |
YuXin Zhang | Chongqing University | China |
Xiao Zhang | Nanyang Technological University | China |
Chaofeng Zhang | Anhui University | China |
Qingchao Liu | Zhengzhou University | China |
Ziliang Chen | Fudan University | China |
Sheng Han | Shanghai Institute of Technology | China |
Zhichao Lou | Nanjing Forestry University | China |
Jiangmiao Yu | South China University of Technology | China |
Sarath Babu Velaga | jaypee university | india |
Jingnan Zhao | Tianjin University of Science and Technology | China |
Gopalakrishnarao Parthasarathy | National Institute of Advanced Studies | India |
Jyoti Mittal | Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology | India |
Nikolai Stoyanov Boshkov | IPC-BAS | Bulgaria |
Shengde Zhang | Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry | China |
Mousa Ahmed Khalifa | South valley university | Egypt |
HAMMADI Larbi | University of Science and Technology of Oran | Algeria |
Ismail Alkskas | Misurata University | Libya |
Suresh Sagadevan | University of Malaya | Malaysia |
Liang Lan | Shanghai University Of Engineering Science | China |
Changyong Lan | UESTC | China |
Saadi Berri | University of Setif 1 | Algeria |
Norman Donald Munroe | Florida International University | USA |
Moaid kadhum Hussain | Al-hussain university college | Iraq |
Hüseyin ARSLAN | Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University | Turkiye |
Mohsen Eltahawy | Damanhour University | Egypt |
samy mohamed shaban | Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute | Egypt |
HALLICHE DJAMILA | University of sciences and technologies | Algeria |
Hossein Yousefi | Gorgan University of Agricultural Sci and Natural Resources | IRAN |
Jianghao Hao | Shanxi University | China |
Driss OURAINI | Rabat Medical School | MOROCCO |
Francesco Tornabene | University of Salento | Italy |
Evgeny Grigoryev | ISMAN | Russia |
NARESH KUMAR | Motilal Nerhu National Institute of Technology | India |
Gautam Singh | Amity University | India |
Junchao Zheng | Central South University | China |
Feng Jiu Yang | Kyoto University | China |
Azim Safikhani | Asia Pearlite Casting Company (API) | Iranian |
Abdu Muhammad Bello | Kano University of Science and technology Wudil | Nigeria |
Mohamed Alwaeli | Silisian University of Technology | Poland |
Mohammed RIRI | LaboratoryMaterials Engineering for Environment and Valorisation(GeMEV) | Morocco |
AMALA MITHIN MINTHER SINGH | University College of Engineering, Nagercoil | INDIA |
Zijian Song | Hohai University | China |
Haoqun Hong | Guangdong university of technology | China |
Hui Li | Northeastern University | China |
Yuanjun Liu | Tianjin Polytechnic University | China |
Shaohua Luo | Northeastern University at Qinhuangdao | China |
Shanlin Wang | Nanchang Hangkong University | China |
Jiankang Huang | Lanzhou University of Technology | China |
Haibo Li | Ningxia University | China |
Mingliang Ge | South China University of Technology | China |
Kexue Sun | Nanjing University Of Posts And Telecommunications | China |
Quan Zhu | Sichuan University | China |
Zuowan Zhou | Southwest Jiaotong University | China |
Jianmin Bao | TianjinUniversity | China |
Liwen Pan | Guangxi University | China |
Xinglong Dong | Dalian University of Technology | China |
Changjiang Song | Shanghai University | China |
Weihua Dan | Sichuan University | China |
Xiaolan Song | Central South University | China |
Weiguo Mao | Xiangtan University | China |
Shiyong Sun | Southwest University of Science and Technology | China |
Xuchun Wang | Anhui Science and Technology University | China |
Changsheng Liu | Northeastern University | China |
Daohai Zhang | Guizhou Minzu University | China |
Junyou Yang | Huazhong University of Science and Technology | China |
Songdong Yuan | Hubei University of Technology | China |
Min Wang | Northeastern University | China |
Yuhua Chen | Nanchang Hangkong University | China |
Yajun Hui | Technical Research Institute of Shougang Group Co. , Ltd. | China |
Yongfeng Shen | Northeastern University School of Materials Science and Engineering | China |
Sakshi Gupta | Amity University Haryana | India |
Yuguang Cao | China University of Petroleum | China |
Wei Zhang | Jilin university | China |
Cong Zhang | Jiangnan University | China |
Jie Wang | Qingdao Agricultural University | China |
Wanwu Ding | Lanzhou University of Technology | China |
Wen Lei | Wuhan University of Science and Technology | China |
Qingwei Li | Qilu University of Technology | China |
Zexing Wu | Qingdao University of Science and Technology | China |
Xiaorong Gan | Hohai University | China |
Lei Guo | Tianjin University | China |
Zhaoxia Hou | Shenyang University | China |
Chengchang Jia | University of Science and Technology Beijing | China |
Linhui Zhang | Qinghai University | China |
Ziming Yang | Agricultural products processing research Institute , Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences | China |
Zhenyu Li | Changchun University Of Technology | China |
Zhimin Wu | Chongqing Normal University | China |
Jian Gu | Hubei Institute of Aerospace Chemistry Technology | China |
Lizhao Qin | Southwest University | China |
Yanxiang Wang | Shandong University | China |
Yuanrui Wang | Changchun University Of Technology | China |
Xiaoguo Bi | Shenyang Institute of Engineering | China |
Shuoping Chen | Guilin University of Technology | China |
Shiwei Wang | Changchun University Of Technology | China |
Yanbin Li | North University of China | China |
Wei Li | Anhui Engineering University | China |
Cean Guo | Shenyang Ligong University | China |
Duxin Li | Central South University | China |
Guodong Jiang | Hubei University Of Technology | China |
Aokui Sun | Hunan University of Technology | China |
Ying Liu | Nanjing University of Science and Technology | China |
Kai Wang | Chongqing University | China |
Donghong Wang | China | |
Kangning Sun | Shandong University | China |
Qidan Xiao | Xinyang Normal University | China |
Zhonghui Xu | Southwest University of Science and Technology | China |
Sujun Wu | Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics | China |
Yanhua Zhang | Northeast Forestry University | China |
Jiangyong Wang | Shantou University | China |
Yandong Wang | Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology | China |
Cong Wang | Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics | China |
Liang Ren | Changchun University Of Technology | China |
Zhiguo Wang | Northeast Petroleum University | China |
Fangming Xiao | Guangdong Research Institute Of Rare Metals | China |
Gang Jian | Jiangsu University Of Science And Technology | China |
Kai Li | Xi'an Shiyou University | China |
Yanxin Xie | Xinxiang University | China |
Lihua Zhan | Central South University | China |
Qiang Wan | China Academy of Engineering Physics | China |
Huanggen Yang | Yulin Normal University | China |
Maocheng Liu | Lanzhou University of Technology | China |
Jun Tan | Chongqing University | China |
Ping Chen | Guilin University of Technology | China |
Guoqin Cao | Zhengzhou University | China |
Hanbing He | Central South University | China |
Ning Li | Chongqing Technology and Business University | China |
Xue Li | Shanxi Medical University | China |
Chunyu Wang | Harbin Institute of Technology (weihai) | China |
Yongsheng Niu | Qingdao Agricultural University | China |
Chunjuan Cui | Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology | China |
Jianjun Su | Aerospace Research Institute of Materials &Processing Technology | China |
Zongrui Liu | National University Of The Inner Mongol | China |
Jiayi Yang | Hefei ymi technology co. LTD | China |
Yuning Liu | Chinalco material application research institute co. LTD | China |
Hui Chen | AECC Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials | China |
Qiang Wang | Heilongjiang Institute of Technology | China |
Youfeng Li | Zunyi Normal University | China |
Bo Zhou | China university of petroleum | China |
Zuowan Zhou | Southwest Jiaotong University | China |
Xiaoqiang Li | South China University of Technology | China |
Sizhao Zhang | Jiangxi University of Science and Technology | China |
Ting Yan | Shanghai Jiao Tong University | China |
Xipo Zhao | Hubei University of Technology | China |
Yizhe HeLian | Beijing University of Technology | China |
Xingjuan Wang | North China University of Science and Technology | China |
Jiangang Jia | Lanzhou University of Technology | China |
Xuepeng Li | Tongren University | China |
Jiale Xie | Southwest Petroleum University | China |
Xinxing Zhou | Shanxi Communications Science Research Institute Group Co. , Ltd. | China |
Yong Huang | Lanzhou University of Technology | China |
Bolin Xiao | University of Science & Technology Beijing | China |
Shengtao Ge | ChaoZhou Three-circle (Group) Co.,Ltd | China |
Mengnan Qu | Xi`an University of Science and Technology | China |
Xiaomei Wan | Qingdao University of Technology | China |
Shifa Wang | Chongqing Three Gorges University | China |
Shuiqing Xiao | Lingnan Normal University | China |
Haitao Zhang | Qilu University of Technology | China |
Zhen Zhang | Central South University | China |
Jihui Zhao | Sun Yat-sen University | China |
Sedigheh Ghadamgahi | Islamic Azad University,Tehran East Branch | Iranian |
Amir Najah Saud | Al-Mustaqbal university college | Iraqi |
Renguo Song | ChangZhouUniversity | China |
Fazhan Wang | Xi`an University of Architecture and Technology | China |
Shidong Zhu | Xi'an Shiyou University | China |
Xiaodong Wang | TongJi ZheJiang College | China |
Shengjun Lu | Guizhou University | China |
Weihe Zhang | Guangdong University of Science and Technology | China |
Fangchang Cai | Hubei University | China |
Hongxing Dai | Beijing University of Technology | China |
Hao Wu | King Abdullah University of Science & Technology | China |
Yu Li | Guangdong Industry Polytechnic(China) | China |
Chaogui Tan | Xiangtan University | China |
Xiuhui Wang | Northeastern University | China |
Xueling Yao | Xi'an Jiaotong University | China |
Jizhou Jiang | Wuhan Institute of Technology | China |
Pawan Chetri | Debraj Roy College | India |
Yong Tian | Northeastern University | China |
Fugen Sun | Nanchang University | China |
Yang Zhang | Beijing Technology and Business University | China |
Zunli Mo | Northwest Normal University | China |
Xiao Chen | Xinyu University | China |
Dengfeng Yin | Central South University | China |
Email: viser-tech@outlook.com
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The first academic conference on materials science and mechanical engineering-the first seminar on the development of Viser academic journals was successfully held in Chongqing Huashang International Conference Center. This seminar gathered experts and scholars in the fields of materials science an…
Load More第一届材料科学与机械工程学术会议--首届维泽学术期刊发展研讨会由新加坡维泽科技出版社主办,旨在加快推动期刊融合发展,提升期刊品牌意识及国际影响力,促进交流与合作、推进改革和创新,同时围绕“材料科学”“机械工程”的最新研究领域,探讨本领域发展所面临的关键性挑战问题和研究方向,为材料科学、机械工程等领域的专家学者、工程技术人员、技术研发人员提供一个共享科研成果和前沿技术,加强学术研究和探讨,促进学术成果产业化合作的平台。大会诚邀国内外高校、科研机构专家、学者,企业界人士及其他相关人员投稿和参会…
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